Mixin to interact with REST services.
This mixin wraps and promisifies the restler library methods, like .get(), .post() or
.del(). For more details about restler see https://github.com/danwrong/restler.
It also adds .fromRest
method to pump, which fills input buffer from results of a REST service
Use case 1: filling pump from result of rest GET
{ RestMixin } = require('datapumps/mixins')
.mixin RestMixin
query: -> @get 'http://someservice.io/api/v1/users'
resultMapping: (response) -> response.result.users
.process (user) ->
has an object argument. The query
key is required, it must be a callback function
which returns a promise that fulfills when the query is completed and returns with the query
results. The query results must be an array. Most of the times, .get()
or .post()
method will
be sufficient combined with mapping of query results (resultMapping
Use resultMapping
key when you need to map a results of the REST service to an array. The value
of the key should be a function that receives REST query result in the first argument and returns
array to be filled in the input buffer.
REST service may be paginated, you can query those like this:
.mixin RestMixin
query: (nextPage) -> @get nextPage ? 'http://someservice.io/api/v1/users'
resultMapping: (response) -> response.result.users
nextPage: (response) -> response.result.paging.nextPage
Only two things to note when using paginated REST service:
key is a callback which may return anything other than undefined or null to continue
to next page.
will receive the return value of nextPage
callback. It will receive undefined on the
first call.
Use case 2: enriching content from result of rest GET
{ RestMixin } = require('datapumps/mixins')
.mixin RestMixin
.process (data) =>
@get 'http://someservice.io/api/v1/user/' + data.username
.then (response) =>
data.email = response.result.email
@copy data
Use case 3: output to a REST service
{ RestMixin } = require('datapumps/mixins')
.mixin RestMixin
.process (data) ->
@post 'https://twaud.io/api/v1/upload.json',
multipart: true
username: 'danwrong'
password: 'wouldntyouliketoknow'
'sound[message]': 'hello from restler!'
'sound[file]': @file('doug-e-fresh_the-show.mp3', null, 321567, null, 'audio/mpeg')
Promise = require 'bluebird'
restler = require 'restler'
module.exports = RestMixin = (target) ->
_wrapMethod target, 'get'
_wrapMethod target, 'post'
_wrapMethod target, 'put'
_wrapMethod target, 'del'
_wrapMethod target, 'head'
_wrapMethod target, 'patch'
_wrapMethod target, 'json'
_wrapMethod target, 'postJson'
_wrapMethod target, 'putJson'
target.file = ->
restler.file.apply restler, arguments
target.fromRest = (config) ->
throw new Error 'query key is required' if !config?.query
config.resultMapping ?= (result) -> result
config.nextPage ?= -> undefined
@from @createBuffer()
queryAndWriteInputBuffer = (nextPage) =>
config.query.apply @, [ nextPage ]
.then (response) =>
.done =>
nextPage = config.nextPage(response)
if (nextPage is undefined) or (nextPage is null)
_wrapMethod = (target, methodName) ->
target[methodName] = ->
methodArgs = arguments
new Promise (resolve, reject) ->
restler[methodName].apply(restler, methodArgs)
.on 'complete', (result, response) ->
if result instanceof Error
reject result
response.result = result
resolve response