Mixin to query and write data to postgresql.
Please note that you don’t need this mixin when you only want to read data from postgresql. Wrap the
query in the QueryStream of pg-query-stream
Load the mixin:
{ PostgresqlMixin } = require('datapumps/mixins')
Add the mixin and set the postgresql client:
.mixin PostgresqlMixin postgresqlClient
Use .query()
method of the pump in .process()
.process (data) ->
@query 'INSERT INTO customer (name, address) VALUES ($1, $2)', [ data.name, data.address ]
The method returns a promise, so
you can use it .process()
callbacks (note that .process()
callback must return a promise).
Complete example: Copy data from one table to another
{ Pump, mixin: { PostgresqlMixin } } = require('datapumps')
QueryStream = require('pg-query-stream')
Client = require('pg').Client
postgresqlClient = new Client <your-connection-string>
postgresqlCopy = new Pump
.from postgresqlClient.query(new QueryStream 'SELECT id,last_name,first_name FROM customer')
.mixin PostgresqlMixin postgresqlClient
.process (customer) ->
@query 'SELECT id FROM new_customer_table WHERE id = $1 ', p.id
.then ([ result, fields ]) =>
if result.length == 0
@query 'INSERT INTO new_customer_table
(id,last_name,first_name) VALUES ($1,$2,$3)',
[ customer.id, customer.last_name, customer.first_name ]
@query 'UPDATE new_customer_table
SET last_name=$1, first_name = $2
WHERE id=$3',
customer.last_name, customer.first_name, customer.id
postgresqlMixin = (client) ->
if !client? or typeof(client?.query) != 'function'
throw new Error 'Postgresql mixin requires client to be given'
(target) ->
target.query = (query, args...) ->
if args?
client.query(query, args)
target.selectOne = (query, args...) ->
target.query(query, args)
.then ([results, fields]) ->
if results.length == 1
else if results.length == 0
throw new Error('Query returned no result')
throw new Error('Query returned more than one result')
module.exports = postgresqlMixin